
POC14 Local Native Demo on macOS - from Installation to Syncing

1 minute read Published: 2020-10-31
Install Local Native browser extension for Firefox and Chrome
Install Local Native macOS desktop application

Search by query and filter by time range
Syncing Local Native desktop with another mobile device

POC9 Brew Install vim ffmpeg etc

1 minute read Published: 2020-09-11
brew install vim ffmpeg tig tree htop
ffmpeg -i video.mkv -c copy video.mp4

POC8 Install Xcode and Android Studio

1 minute read Published: 2020-09-10
Install Xcode from App Store - It will take some time to download
Android Studio - Install from official website
Homebrew - Install from command line
Android Studio - Install from Toolbox App
Install Intel HAXM - Allow "Intel Apps" in Security
IDEs First Time Run - Initial configuration 

POC5 Install Software on New Mac

1 minute read Published: 2020-09-07
Software List
    Firefox, Chrome
    Toolbox, IDEA, PyCharm